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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Who can act as the Coordinator for the Viewneral?
A: Anyone who the family feels would be the best person to schedule the Viewneral, circulate the join link, and download the Recording and Attendees report.
Q: Is there a limit to the amount of family members that can receive Aftercare emails?
A: There is no limit to the amount of Aftercare email recipients. There can only be one primary informant, but unlimited next of kin or additional recipients.
Q: After I enter a record, where can I find it?
A: You may find the record in the INTERMENT SCHEDULE if it is an upcoming service, or in RECORD DIRECTORY if the interment has passed or if a date and time has not yet been scheduled.
Q: Do I need to enter all of the information in the fields upon the initial creation of a record?
A: The only information required to create a record is the first name, last name, and gender of the deceased. Any unknown information can be entered after the creation of the case.
Q: Do I need to enter the Funeral Director that I took the interment order with?
A: The Funeral Director is not a required field, but it is recommended as it provides a record of the individual who ordered the grave from the Funeral Home.
Q: Do I have to enter information for a Service, Interment, and Dedication?
A: No - you should only enter the information applicable to the family’s needs or the information that you have available to you.
Q: The family will notify us of the dedication/unveiling date in the near future. Are we able to edit the record to include this information?
A: Yes, once the interment takes place, the record will be available to you in the “Record Directory” where you can edit the record and add Dedication/Unveiling information. You will also be able to provide the family with a Viewneral for their Dedication/Unveiling.
Q: Can I adjust the information for a family’s FuneralPlan or turn the FuneralPlan off?
A: Yes, you can click on “Settings” on the Tribute page, where you can deselect the information the family does not want to be displayed. You can also turn the FuneralPlan off, by moving the slider to “NO”.
Q: How can I make adjustments to the Service Folder?
A: You can make adjustments to the Service Folder by deselecting the information the family does not wish to have displayed. You may also edit/add text using the fields and text boxes provided.
Q: Can I email the Service Folder and Prayer Cards directly to the family using the “Email” button?
A: The proofs for the Service Folder and Prayer Cards are sent to the platform user. You may forward this information to the family or attach the proof to any other email you are sending.
Q: Can I adjust the text on the Prayer Cards?
A: You can adjust the introductory text (ex. “In Loving Memory of”), within the text box.
Q: Do I need custom paper to print Service Folders and Prayers Cards?
A: No, you can use any quality of paper you would like to print Service Folders and Prayer Cards on for the family.