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Create Record User Guide

Our Sympathy Brands User Guides provide easy to follow, step-by-step guidance along with visual support for our partner cemeteries. For further assistance please call 877.788.0019 or email


Create New Record  |  Interment Information  |  Viewneral®  |  Tribute
Service Folder  |  Prayer Cards  |  Aftercare  |  FAQs


How to Create a New Record


  1. Select your Cemetery Location
  2. Select the Family Advisor, Funeral Home Location and Funeral Director
  3. Complete the information in the BASIC INFO tab
    1. Decedent’s Information
    2. Primary Informant (required)*
    3. Next of Kin
    4. To add more recipients, click ADD NEXT OF KIN
  4. Click SAVE

* The Primary Informant will be the FuneralPlan contact. See TRIBUTE for additional information.


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Interment Information


  1. Complete the Service information
    1. Date and Time
    2. Service Type
    3. Service Location
  2. Complete the Interment information
    1. Date and Time
    2. Interment Type
    3. Interment Location
  3. Add Dedication
    1. Date and Time
    2. Dedication Type
    3. Dedication Location
  4. Click SAVE


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Viewneral Hosted by Your Location

Select the VIEWNERAL tab:

  1. Select your cemetery from the Viewneral Coordinator dropdown
  2. Enter the Viewneral Event Name
  3. To record, click the Yes/No slider
  5. Select Invite Now or Invite Later
    *If Invite Now, complete steps 6-8. If Invite Later, jump to step 8 and when ready, return to the record and complete outstanding information
  6. If Invite Now
    1. Copy and paste the guest link, if applicable
    2. Select Guest/Speaker
  8. Scroll to bottom of page and select EXIT DETAIL VIEW

Post Viewneral Emails

Select the case from RECORD DIRECTORY

  1. Go to the VIEWNERAL tab
  2. Click the EDIT button next to the corresponding Viewneral and go to the Post Viewneral Email on the Viewneral Details page
  3. To send Post Viewneral email to attendees, move Yes/No slider to Yes (slider will turn blue) and click SEND
    *If defaulted to send automatically for your location, a sent message will appear with a timestamp
  4. To send the Recording and Attendees List to the family, move Yes/No slider to Yes (slider will turn blue)
    1. Select recipients
    2. If Other, input first name, last name, email address
  5. Click SEND

Viewneral Hosted by Family

Select the VIEWNERAL tab:

  1. Select the Viewneral Type
  2. Enter the Viewneral Event Name
  3. Select the Coordinator (e.g. Primary Informant, Next of Kin, or Other)
  4. If “Other”, enter:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Phone Number
    4. Email

You will be prompted to review the coordinator’s information. If the information is correct, click CONFIRM AND SEND.

If the family would like an additional Viewneral, click ADD VIEWNERAL.

Discuss the proper person to coordinate the Viewneral with the family to ensure emails and user guides are delivered to the correct individual.


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Select the TRIBUTE tab:

  1. Enter Obituary information
  2. Enter Donation information
  3. Upload images provided by the family
    1. Click UPLOAD to access and select pictures
    2. Click SAVE
  4. Click SAVE & PUBLISH


  • The Primary Informant will be the contact for FuneralPlan coordination (e.g. Food Contribution)
  • To edit and update information, please click UPDATE SETTINGS and SAVE & PUBLISH
    • Select or deselect which information to publish on the obituary and FuneralPlan pages by clicking on the check boxes
    • If the family does not want either an obituary, FuneralPlan, or both, move ON/OFF slider to OFF (slider will turn gray)
  • To view and send the family the link to their FuneralPlan, click VIEW FUNERALPLAN above SETTINGS

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Service Folder

How to Edit A Service Folder

In the Service Folder tab, you will be able to view, edit, and add an obituary, donation information, and prayers to the Service Folder. Information will flow through to the Service Folder from other fields as you create a Record.

Service Folder Outside

  1. To edit the introductory text, click on the field that says “In Loving Memory” and enter in the appropriate text
  2. To remove any information, uncheck the box associated with the corresponding information 
    (ex. DOB). These fields will bring over the information entered in the Basic Info and Interment Details tabs. 
  3. Enter the prayer(s) that the family would like to include by writing them or copying and pasting the prayer(s) into the corresponding text box. 
  4. Click SAVE (Note: Information must be saved to print or email a proof)

Service Folder Inside

  1. Obituary information will transfer directly from the Tribute tab. This is an editable field where you can add or update the text. Note: You may edit any obituary text in the box below. This will not override any obituary text in the Tribute tab.
  2. Donation information will transfer directly from the Tribute tab. This is an editable field where you can add or update the text. Note: The FuneralPlan link will appear at the bottom of the Service Folder.
  3. You may add the name of the Officiant in the corresponding text box. 
  4. Please enter the Order of Service in the corresponding text box. You may also wish to enter the names of any speakers or pallbearers. 
  5. Click SAVE. Note: Information must be saved to print or email a proof

After you have edited and saved the information on the Service Folder, please note that you may print the folder for review, or you will have the option to email it to yourself. If the “Email” button is selected, the Service Folder will be sent to the user’s email address, which can then be forwarded or sent to the family for review.


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Prayer Cards

How to Create Prayer Cards

In the Prayer Card tab, you will be able to create customizable prayer cards for the family. Information will flow through to the prayer cards from other fields as you create a Record.

Prayer Card Creation

  1. To edit the introductory text, click on the field that says “In Loving Memory” and enter in the appropriate text
  2. To remove any information, uncheck the box associated with the corresponding information 
    (ex. Image, DOB, DOD). These fields will bring over the information entered in the Basic Info and Tribute tabs. 
  3. Select an icon (if applicable)
  4. Select an image for the BACK of the Prayer Card
  5. Select a prayer/poem from the list. If the family would like a prayer/poem that is not listed, click on the "Custom" option and type in the applicable text.
  6. Click SAVE (Not: Information must be saved to print or email a proof)

After you have edited and saved the Prayer Cards, please note that you may print the cards for review, or you will have the option to email it to yourself. If the “Email” button is selected, the Prayer Cards will be sent to the user’s email address, which can then be forwarded or sent to the family for review.


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Select the AFTERCARE tab:

Aftercare Recipients

  1. Click the “Yes/No” slider to select which family members or additional recipients will receive Aftercare emails
  2. Click SAVE
  3. To add additional recipients, click ADD NEW and complete the fields
    1. Title
    2. Relationship to the Deceased
    3. First Name, Last Name
    4. Phone
    5. Email
  4. Click ADD

Email Preferences

  1. Click the “Yes/No” slider to enable emails for recipients emails
  2. Click SAVE

Emails that were selected as default in the Aftercare Template Settings will be automatically enabled.


Once you have created your case, you can find it in the RECORD DIRECTORY, where you can access and edit any records that have been created.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Who can act as the Coordinator for the Viewneral?
A: Anyone who the family feels would be the best person to schedule the Viewneral, circulate the join link, and download the Recording and Attendees report.

Q: Who is the family's Coordinator for the FuneralPlan?
A: The coordinator will be the Primary Informant, which is why their contact information is required.

Q: How do I publish the Obituary Page and FuneralPlan?
A: Once selections are made regarding the display information on the corresponding pages, you will complete the sections/fields for Obituary, Donations, Images, (as necessary) and click SAVE & PUBLISH, which will automatically create the Obituary Page and FuneralPlan.

Q: After I enter a case, where can I find it?
A: You may find the case in the INTERMENT SCHEDULE if it is an upcoming service, or in RECORD DIRECTORY if the interment has passed or if a date and time has not yet been scheduled.

Q: Do I need to enter all of the information in the fields upon the initial creation of a case?
A: The information required to create a case is the first name, last name, and date of birth of the deceased as well as the Primary Informant’s information. Any unknown information can be entered after the creation of the case.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of family members that can receive Aftercare emails?
A: There is no limit to the amount of Aftercare email recipients. There can only be one Primary Informant, but unlimited next of kin or additional recipients.

Q: If I delete a case, will everything associated with it be deleted as well?
A: Yes, deleting a case will affect any Viewneral created, as well as any Obituary Page and FuneralPlan.

Q: Will I be able to see the names of the guests and speakers after I send them an invitation?
A: Yes, you will see the names and email addresses of guests and speakers, and you will be able to resend them the invitation if necessary.

Q: What will happen if I remove a speaker?
A: If you remove a speaker, it will delete their Viewneral access link.


If you have any questions, please contact our support team.      877.788.0019