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Settings Tutorials


Our Sympathy Brands User Guides provide easy to follow, step-by-step guidance along with visual support for our partner cemeteries. For further assistance please call 877.788.0019 or email


ProfilE Settings  |  FAQs

How to Edit Your Cemetery Profile, Email Settings, Aftercare Email Templates and Dropdown Settings 


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I edit or delete a family advisor or location from the dropdown options?
A: To the right of the advisor or location name, there is an edit icon and a delete icon. Select the applicable option. If editing the information, please make sure to click SAVE.

Q: Can I edit an Aftercare email template for an individual family?
A: Aftercare email templates are not customizable for a particular family, only your location

Q: Once our location selects the email templates we would like to use, can we ever add additional templates?
A: Yes, you can always add additional emails under Aftercare Email Settings. You may select from a template or create your own email.

Q: Where can I add/edit information for Family Advisors, Funeral Homes, and Funeral Directors?
A: You can adjust this information by going to “Settings”, then “Dropdown Settings”, where you can add, edit, and delete Family Advisors, Funeral Home Locations, Funeral Directors, as well as Service, Interment, and Dedication Locations.



If you have any questions, please contact our support team.      877.788.0019