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Settings User Guide

Our Sympathy Brands User Guides provide easy to follow, step-by-step guidance along with visual support for our partner cemeteries. For further assistance please call 877.788.0019 or email

Cemetery Profile  |  Email Settings  |  Email Templates  |  DropdownS  |  FAQs


Access & Edit Your Cemetery’s Profile

How to Access Your Profile

  1. Select SETTINGS
  2. If applicable, select the corresponding location
  3. Click PROFILE

How to Edit Your Profile

Once on the profile page, select the tab that you would like to edit from the menu.

  1. Click the EDIT icon next to the section where you would like to add, modify, or remove information
  2. Once you have completed any changes, click SAVE

To edit your logo, hover over your cemetery’s logo and click EDIT LOGO.


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Configure Email Settings

How to Access Your Cemetery’s Email Settings

  1. Select SETTINGS
  2. If applicable, select the corresponding location

How to Edit Your Cemetery’s Viewneral Email Settings

  1. Click the EDIT icon
  2. Change the “Reply-to Email Address” to a monitored email, as recipients may reply to the Aftercare emails
  3. Input the cemetery email address(es) you would like to receive copies of each email sent to the family:
    1. Copied (CC) on each email
    2. Blind copied (BCC) on each email*
  4. Click SAVE

* Blind copy (BCC) allows you to copy yourself on the email, but the recipient will not see this information.

How to Edit Your Cemetery’s Post Viewneral Email Settings

  1. Click the EDIT icon
  2. Change the “Reply-to Email Address” to a monitored email, as recipients may reply to the post-viewneral emails
  3. Input the cemetery email address(es) you would like to receive copies of each email sent to the family:
    1. Copied (CC) on each email
    2. Blind copied (BCC) on each email*
  4. Click SAVE

* Blind copy (BCC) allows you to copy yourself on the email, but the recipient will not see this information.

How to Edit Your Cemetery’s Aftercare Email Settings

  1. Click the EDIT icon
  2. Change the “Reply-to Email Address” to a monitored email, as recipients may reply to the Aftercare emails
  3. Input the cemetery email address(es) you would like to receive copies of each email sent to the family:
    1. Copied (CC) on each email
    2. Blind copied (BCC) on each email*
    3. Daily Summary Recipients. This is the email address(es) that will receive a daily summary email of Aftercare emails being sent out from this location.
  4. Click SAVE

Add an email to the “Reply to” field that multiple members of your cemetery can access as families will respond to the Aftercare emails.

* Blind copy (BCC) allows you to be copied on the email, but the family remember receiving it will not see this information.


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Email Templates – Set Up Post Viewneral Templates

How to Access Your Cemetery’s Email Templates

  1. Select SETTINGS
  2. If applicable, select the corresponding location


How to Edit the Post Viewneral Email to Attendees

  1. Click EDIT
  2. Select the checkbox if you would like to automatically send this email to attendees following a Viewneral
  3. Include any text you would like in the corresponding text boxes (optional)
  4. Click SAVE


If enabled, this email will be sent automatically to attendees following the Viewneral.

How to Edit the Recording and Guest List Email to Family

  1. Click EDIT
  2. Include any text you would like in the corresponding text boxes (optional)
  3. Click SAVE


This email will not be sent automatically, you will have to return to the Viewneral upon completion and send this email to the family.

Email Templates – Set Up Aftercare Templates

How to Enable Aftercare Templates

On the Email Templates Settings page under AFTERCARE TEMPLATES:

  1. Click the name of the template you want to edit (e.g. Initial Follow Up)
  2. Click EDIT
  3. Select Enable options
    1. Check ENABLE FOR YOUR LOCATION to have this template available in Aftercare for the respective location
    2. Check ENABLE AS DEFAULT to have the email automatically sent to families receiving aftercare
  4. Edit the email details:
    1. Name
    2. Occasion
    3. Occurrence (e.g. 7-days after interment)
    4. Frequency
    5. Recipients (e.g. Primary Informant, Next of Kin, or both)
  5. You may also edit the email:
    1. Subject line
    2. Copy
    3. Style of the text for the body of the email
  6. Click UPDATE to save changes

To enable additional emails, click BACK TO LIST and follow the steps above.


  • Edits made to the templates will affect every recipient. You cannot customize a template for a particular family, only your location.
  • Text appearing in [brackets] will be dynamically filled with account specific information. It is recommended you leave these sections alone unless you wish to remove them from the template. The list of available dynamic fields is located below the body text editor.

How to Add a New Template to Your Cemetery’s Aftercare Templates

  1. Click +ADD NEW
  2. The default “-select-” allows you to create a new template or choose from the dropdown to modify an existing template (recommended)
  3. Select Enable options
    1. Check ENABLE FOR YOUR LOCATION to have this template available in Aftercare for the respective location
    2. Check ENABLE AS DEFAULT to have the email automatically sent to families receiving aftercare
  4. When creating a new template, input or select the following:
    1. Name (title of the email)
    2. Occasion
    3. Frequency
    4. Recipients (e.g. Primary Informant, Next of Kin, or both)
  5. You may also edit the:
    1. Subject Line
    2. Copy
    3. Style of the text for the body of the email
  6. Click SAVE
  7. Click BACK TO LIST

Text appearing in [brackets] will be dynamically filled with account specific information. It is recommended you leave these sections alone unless you wish to remove them from the template. The list of available dynamic fields is located below the body text editor.

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Dropdown Settings

How to Access Your Cemetery’s Dropdown Options

  1. Select SETTINGS
  2. If applicable, select the corresponding location

How to Add a Family Advisor or Funeral Director 

  2. Input the family advisor’s:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email
  3. Click SAVE

To add additional family advisors or funeral directors, click the corresponding ADD BUTTON and repeat the steps above.

How to Add an Interment or Funeral Home Location

  2. Input the
    1. Location Name
    2. Street Address
    3. City
    4. State
    5. Zip
  3. Click SAVE

To add additional funeral home locations, click the corresponding ADD BUTTON and repeat the steps above.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I edit or delete a family advisor or funeral home location from the dropdown options?
A: To the right of the advisor or location name, there is an edit icon and a delete icon. Select the applicable option. If editing, please make sure to click SAVE.

Q: Can I edit an Aftercare email template for an individual family?
A: Aftercare email templates are not customizable for a particular family, only your location.

Q: Once our location selects the email templates we would like to use, can we ever add additional templates?
A: Yes, you can always add additional emails under Aftercare Email Settings. You may select from a template or create your own email.

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If you have any questions, please contact our support team.      877.788.0019